What day is it?

Every day feels like a Sunday at the moment. 

A sunny morning but cold! 
Food shop needed at Tesco so todays walk was at Channelside. I took the camera, this time with my telephoto lens..not a huge zoom it is 55mm to 250 but nice and light weight and its a while since I've had it on my camera.
Blip and extras are of the more traditional still working fisherman's boats. Most of the yachts are now lifted onto dry land  for winter but these stay on the channel  all year round... when not out to sea.

Not too  busy in Tesco but quite a few people were not really observing social distancing. I think some folk believe that wearing a mask keeps them safe and dont have to worry.

Ironically although the news is of the possibility of most places going up another tier ( to be announced Wed) the local news reported today that our town has the second lowest amount of cases in England! This is good news  but let's hope it doesnt lead to complacency!  

Thank you for your lovely comments and stars. Always appreciated c

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