
Yet another collage to summate our day whilst Robin is staying with me for the festive season.  Today's amalgamation is a set of images taken during our visit to the throbbing metropolis that is Akbuk. Our mission, successfully completed, was to take a couple of my local feral cats to the vet for various 'be well' treatments. 

Other than that it was a peaceful and pleasant day at home. I spent nearly three hours online teaching (whilst Robin graded her students' papers) and was utterly delighted by a nine year old girl from Vietnam - such a character. Other folk were from South Korea, Saudi and Turkey. 

Graham was our home delivery service bringing stone baked pizza to the door.  First pizza I've had for ages. All restaurants have been closed for a couple of months, but take away is allowed. Evening entertainment was the last two episodes of "The Queen's Gambit" and the penultimate Harry Potter.

Thank you so much to everyone who commented and liked my special blip day entry yesterday.  I'm grateful, as I focus on the good things of 2020, that surely includes this kind and considerate community. Thank you, blip buddies and all those who check my journal. Your support is appreciated.

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