Last Tuesday for 2020

Robin and I went to the Tuesday market in Akbuk and bought enough fruit and vegetables to sink a ship, I mean, how could we not? It all looks so fab. The photo collage does not do it justice as we were not hanging around because the skies promised a deluge at any moment.  

On line English teaching this afternoon for a couple of hours included two Turkish adults, one of whom, if not both, it looks like I will be working with regularly from now on, about which I am very happy. 

Robin and I spent the evening with Harry Potter. 
It was an ordinary but most enjoyable day. 

Weather a poor imitation of yesterday, showers and sunshine @ around 18ºC

oh.... now I've posted, Blipfoto tells me it's the milestone that I thought was tomorrow :( Not a very good photo for such a good number and of course it isn't eight years until Thursday night ...  Well, too late now to delete and replace with a more celebratory pic or philosophical commentary, but thank you blip buddies, for your congrats, comments and companionship - especially in recent, not always easy, days.  Be safe my friends. 

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