
By SarioMcK

The last piece...

So, it’s the end of 2020.. And I have one piece of my chocolate orange left! They are a tradition in our house - particularly the dark one. Delicious.

So, as I look back at the year it was definitely one of ups and downs, of changed plans and limited opportunities and plenty of anxieties. Yet looking back I recognise that I am grateful for many things. Firstly my health and my family. We have spent more time together this year than planned but we have so far avoided the virus and are all still getting along! Mum has had her vaccine and things are looking positive for the rest of us. I am very grateful to everyone who has worked on the front line to keep us safe and in pursuit of the vaccine. Brilliant work all round.

I am grateful I secured a promotion and although it wasn’t an ideal start to my role as we went into the first lockdown, the extra salary has allowed me to save plenty which puts us in a stronger financial position as I move into the new year with the very real threat of redundancy. I am thankful for lovely colleagues and a supportive boss.

I have done lots of walking, lost 1.5 stone and generally kept fit and well. I am grateful for our lovely house and garden and the beautiful walks on our doorstep. For the birds, ( even the owl) and the wildlife we saw when life slowed down. I am grateful we had the space to all work at home, something I don’t take for granted. And we even had the parquet floor renovated finally!

I am grateful that my kids have come through this year with positivity, courage, curiosity and spirit and with many successes under their belts. I am so proud of both of them and can’t wait to see what they go on to do next year. I am sorry that their lives have been disrupted.

I am always grateful for the never ending support and love of my husband who is by my side no matter what. He’s my rock.

And my cat. I love Milo.

I am grateful for technology that has allowed us to spend virtual time with friends and family when travelling was not possible. We’ve probably managed more time together this year than ever.

I am grateful that while our big holiday plans were dashed this year that we will likely be able to travel again next year and we have happy memories of the few days out we did manage this year together.

I am grateful for music which continues to play a big part of our lives. And am determined to get that grade 8 next year!

And I am looking forward to things returning to normal, whatever that is: to travel, adventure, spontaneity, meals out, time with friends and family, successes for each of us personally in whatever we set out to achieve and hopefully some new beginnings.

I won’t be sorry to see the back of 2020 but I will move into 2021 with gratitude and hope.

Stay safe and happy new year.

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