
By SarioMcK

Starting again

So it’s a new year. We made it. Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021.

We had a fabulous evening of games, FaceTimes, champagne and karaoke, just the four of us. We enjoyed each other’s company, danced and sang everything from Take That to Peter Gabriel and laughed until 2am! So much for a quiet night! I think Milo wondered what we were all still doing up.

We all slept in and rested today. Mum came up in the afternoon and we played some games together. We had a lovely dinner and a long FaceTime with my brother in Chicago.

So I guess that’s a wrap on the celebrations. The diet needs to start again tomorrow, the decorations need to be put away and I need to start setting my mind to returning to work and getting my strength up for some tough weeks ahead. 3 more days of rest and I intend to make the most of it.

Happy new year. Stay safe x

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