Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh

Well, here we are on the eve of 2021 and goodbye 2020. I thought it sounded so hopeful! What a year - Covid, Trump, Black Lives Matter, Brexit, Fires, Mudslides, Chaos and then all with our own personal stories of mayhem and madness (or was that just our family??) History in the making and a year to remember. For us a strange and emotional one, six months spent in New Zealand, the gates closing behind us as we travelled. The sadness there but much delight too, what a privilege to spend so much time with Joe and Esme in a very special part of the world.  Now I'd really like to see Will and Barry. 

And it's our anniversary today - I eagerly looked up what gifts might be appropriate - groceries!! I was spoilt rotten with a bottle of Dingle gin (currently being enjoyed) and a sparkly beret. We did a big walk in the crisp sunshine and now Himself is going to prepare something delightful for supper. That's mainly all you need.

We are all in it together and blipping keeps us sane(ish) and connected. Here's to a mighty 2021  - Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh blipmates. 

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