
Someone is obviously very talent when it comes to creating snow sculptures! It has a hint of the Doctor Who scary angels episode but definitely a lot of talent there.

A recap of the year is par for the course when blipping so long. Of course, this year was a bit different to say the least! A bloody worldwide pandemic aside... Kara being born in May obviously changed our whole world. As a result we’ve had a bit of a different pandemic / lockdown experience than most. Working from home meant I could spend all my time around her even when working. Now I’m permanent home working it will also allow us to choose a location to live that we want rather than because of it being near an office (yes, another relocation for us to come... more details on that in future weeks and months here I’m sure).

So in that sense, for us, all this madness has given us quite a few positives. Obviously, not being able to see any family other than a couple of grandparent visits since she was born was not what we planned but we are doing our best under the current rules.

Who knows what next year will bring with regards things opening back up across the country and globe. We’ll just keep trucking on doing our thing one day at a time!

Hope you all have a fun / relaxing New Years and that 2021 brings you happiness and freedom once more!

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