Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A double exposure

That is actually just a reflection in a puddle and some oak leaves. It rained buckets and buckets today. During a break in the showers, I took a quick walk around the yard looking for some good water drop photos. But I liked this best.

Jerry went out this morning for an errand and he came home with a head of fresh collards. Green leafy stems like turnip greens but not a root veggie. We cleaned them and chopped them up to boil in a huge pot outside on the grill burner because they do stink cooking. It takes about 4 hours to get them tender. I had to go to the store to get some smoked ham to cook with them...none available because Southerners cook collards for New Years. Why? They are green so are supposed to be a symbol of money for the New Year. I had to get smoked turkey legs. Yes, there is such a thing. And guess what! I don’t even like to eat collards! We will have enough for the rest of the winter as they do freeze well.

The tooth area is doing okay but I was really dragging this morning. Did not sleep well even though it did not hurt. Just swelling and aggravating. I will survive! Got ice cream now. I figured the cold would help the swelling!

Hoping for a Happy New Year for all Blippers!

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