Running from 2020

She came to me at 810, as I was laid contemplating going for a run, and said "I need to go out. I just need to be out". So we went together. And the last day of this whack job year treated to an exceptional start. She responded with a PB to finish her NotParkrun year.

We came home and were very lazy for a few hours before realising we'd had enough of the lego sorting process and now required tubs. And also we needed a nice New Year's Eve something. We managed the tubs. We cried off when we saw the stupid queue for the supermarket and made do with what we could find in the littler shop near us. We had a very late lunch of sort of chinese food before lots of fabulous practice. We celebrated the evening with a movie, PJs and as good a selection of snacks as we could muster.

2020, you've brought some great big piles of turd and taken away so many special things. However you've given us some others that I wouldn't be without. So I don't hate you entirely. While I haven't forgiven you and am glad to see you leave, I am thankful for the time with my girl that I will treasure. I am thankful for people who brought light into really dark times. I am thankful for bubbles. And music. And having upgraded my phone a month before the pandemic hit.

Happy New Year, lovely blippers 

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