Turning Out the Lights on 2020

I've read some end-of-year reviews this week, both on Blip and in the national news. Some touched on all the bad news, and some people had a lot of high notes.

The virus obviously changed our lives, and I hope in the next year that we can turn the corner on it. 

As for the other big event of the year in the U.S., the election...it was an ugly happening. Since I don't lean left or right, I think I can say that the state of American politics is at an all-time low. Many people choose their sides, and there is no give. Thus, we get the people who said, "Donald Trump is not my president!", and now..."Joe Biden is not my president!" How can we ever advance as a country...when we have such a division?

Rant over! I hope all my Blip friends have a great New Year. Lisa and I are staying in as we usually do. In years past, we have watched Merrick, but not tonight.


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