The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Slainté Mhath

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Mini Princesses and I went sledging this morning. Murphy was very excited and had a great time chasing me on my sledge!

Tonight was a very different Hogmanay but we actually had a really nice night We had a pre-midnight zoom catch up with Lovely Shuvly and Basher (who had started drinking 6 hours before our call and entertainingly seemed to be having trouble with their mental lexicons).

Just before midnight, we headed to Kitty Cat and Marsh’s to have a glass of bubbles with them on the street. It was lovely to see them but the silence at midnight was eerie and Hogmanay isn’t Hogmanay without giving your mates drunken (any) hugs and telling them you love them. And then doing it another 6 times in case they didn’t get it. Before sealing the bond with shots. And possibly tears. Who knows? Pretty sure no one has ever remembered the first few hours of a New Year before 2021!


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