The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Auld Year’s Night

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had been invited to Kitty Cat and Marsh’s house for Hogmanay but to be honest, I was feeling slightly melancholy about the forthcoming evening;

1. The Explorer wasn’t having her usual Hogmanay party: she had been invited elsewhere and (understandably) decided that it might make a nice change not to have to spend half of New Year’s Day clearing up.

2. For the first time, I wasn’t going to be spending it with my daughters. On the basis that The Explorer wasn’t having a party, The Mini Princesses made their own arrangements - The Eldest Mini Princess and her friends were spending it at Steve’s and The Youngest Mini Princess was going to have a sleepover at Anna’s

Also, I didn’t know the other people coming to Kitty Cat’s so, strangers.

I needn’t have worried. Most people were only dropping in early to say ‘hi’ so there were only 6 of us from about 10 pm and the other couple - Talia and John were GREAT fun.

By the time The Eldest Mini Princess joined us at 1.30, we were all singing and dancing. Talia (who used to be a ballet dancer) was high-kicking to “Livin on a Prayer” followed by Marsh and I doing a (less ambitious) routine to “I Think We’re Alone Now.”

After several rounds of poo-head, we came home around 3. Pretty sure I had told everyone (including the newbies) that I loved them several times and that I’d had the BEST night ever.


PS Talii told us that she had recently been crossing the road when an Uber came tearing along and started shouting at her to get out of the way. She was furious and stood her ground (literally) giving the Uber driver the pointy finger and explaining that he could just f’right off. Her mood was not improved when the passenger also hollered for her to get off the road.

She was just about to start on round 2 of dishing out pieces of her mind when she realised that the passenger was John (her husband). He’s an ENT surgeon and was being rushed from one hospital to another for an emergency!

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