Snow party!

AB, C and A had a party today - outdoors in the snow :-) Here are photos of the competition where you had to hit as many balloons as possible as you sled down the hill - very fun! There was also a treasure hunt, balloon popping, grilling hot dogs and lots of fun with good was a lovely afternoon for the kids and adults alike :-) It is always good to have an excuse to just PLAY!

I had interval training this legs may never recover!

The boys are back at their dad´s and it is suddenly very quiet here without them....the quiet usually sounds good for about an hour and then I want them back :-) I need to prepare for class tomorrow...teaching Persepolis, which is fantastic....then I think I need some sleep. I woke up at 4 feeling a little panicky about everything I need to I need to either do those things or get some sleep :-)

Have a great night all!

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