Fixin it up :-)

This is me at the big do-it-yourself-building warehouse here in Oslo....believe me, Im not here often! I am terrible with fixing things up projects but I am embarking on one now...but not my own. I definitely am getting help BUT today I had to pick out a new floor for the hallway and new paint for the!

The day started off in Rome. We had to get up at 4am and be at the airport by was an early start but all went smoothly and it was really no problem, other than Im feeling it a bit now. Good to get home early though and have the day here - I need a couple of days at home before everything gets moving again on Monday.

We had such a good trip to Rome - I will be backblipping some photos during the next few days. It is not always relaxing travelling alone with 2 early teen boys...they are restless, like to rough house, have no desire to sit and enjoy a coffee with me :-) Still....I loved having this time with them. Great to experience new places and things together with them, and good to just do nothing with them. It was a good trip- a lot of fun :-) And Rome is LOVELY!

Hope you are all well!

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