Paris Day Five

Walking around the streets of Paris is a wonderful experience.

Here are some random observations from our walkabouts:

Trees line every street (or so it seems).
Bins consist of green bin bags (and there are plenty of them).
There are bays full of bicycles which can be borrowed to get around the city (blipped above).
There are lots of beggars (usually old women).
Parisians are extremely fashionable (and look cool).
Loads of people smoke (but look cool doing it).
There are loads of shops full of tat (expensive tat at that).
There are loads of tourists (including the wife and I).

After reserving our tickets for the Lido tomorrow evening, we grabbed a baguette for lunch before heading to the Notre Dame cathedral. There were of course hundreds of tourists around but once you're inside, you forget all about them. The scale and grandeur of the building is quite mesmerising and whilst I'm not a religious man, I couldn't help feel a little humbled by the sheer impressiveness of it all.

Afterwards we went for a long walk along Pont Neuf and stopped off for a couple of Coronas and some postcard writing. Another couple of hundred metres down the road and we turned into the second jaw-dropping spectacle of the day; the Louvre. The architecture and scale (there's that word again) were beyond anything I had imagined prior to seeing it. The sight of the pyramid that marks the entrance to the museum was enough for us to find a little alcove and just sit in wonder of the place, talking about love and life and being married (and how great it is).

We waited until the sun started to set (we decided to leave actually going into the Louvre for another day) before grabbing a little bite of fish for dinner and heading back to the hotel for some wine and journal writing.

Love this place.

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