I guess they were desperate for food

I haven’t had a garden bird blip for quite some time, so I thought today was the day.  These blue-tits were so desperate for food that they ignored me when I opened and closed the window.  

The snow had largely gone overnight and although we had quite a heavy sleet storm this morning, that’s what it was and it didn’t settle.  There are still a residue of icy patches left by our first encounter with winter weather,  so underfoot is still quite treacherous in places.

I managed a couple of hours selecting images this morning with a bit more time spent editing an image I had some help with yesterday.  I need to get it up on the big screen to see if it looks OK on there too (which I’m going to do next).  I’ve also had a short walk this afternoon, just to get out and to experience a bit more light, I thought the sun was coming out after lunch but it was a fleeting glimpse!

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