Big Hill

By bighill

My Welcome Home!

I arrived home around 2am Saturday (2nd) morning.....after a pretty uneventful trip across the country!    Had a row of 3 seats to myself for the whole trip from Victoria to Toronto - that was very lovely.   Flight from Toronto to Sydney was just fine and i was so happy to see Terry at the airport!   We sat up till 3.30 am chatting, it was just so lovely to be home with him.

I am self isolating of course, which isn't too difficult here at our home....but no physical contact with my lovely man...yet!

Yesterday we had such a huge dump of snow, probably about 12" ..... so Terry is out right now plowing of course!!!

So it's 2021....what will this year have in store for us?   I wish everyone peace and joy.

check out this link for a beautiful little movie, filled in Scotland, celebrating the new year, it's very moving and beautifully done!

Last evening with my West coast family in the extra!   New Year's Eve gathering .... pizza and beer!

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