Vegging out
We went out for a walk and bought a huge bag of veg from our local greengrocer today. I love a good grocer’s shop. So colourful even in the heart of winter.
In every other respect it was a relaxed day. I had woken up feeling refreshed after a really good night’s sleep. Not uneventful in terms of dreams; one very protracted session saw me trying to provide leadership in a post apocalyptic setting. It’s quite exhausting spending the night trying to galvanise people around issues such as basic security and planning for long term food supply.
Another dream saw me lost on the railway network and struggling to get home. I found myself stranded on a rural station, unable to get any sense out of my fellow passengers. The views were rather lovely however, which was some compensation.
Here in the real world, domestic duty centred on dejunking my office which had became something of a dumping ground over Christmas. You wouldn’t think such a small room could end up harbouring so much stuff. I did end up with a whole boxful of "dead tech", from cables to keyboards and power units to headsets.
TSM made a casserole and we watched a very intense Agatha Christie in the evening. Classic country house murder stuff with multiple motives and clashing personalities. Come the end you really wanted to kill the lot of them (including the bad tempered master detective) for being so annoying, but by that time the weather had gone all Shakespearean and storms were wreaking havoc on the world to reflect the inner turbulence of the tortured suspects.
We had a wee chat before bedtime. Life under lockdown is a bit of a downer. We both feel like we’re living in a parallel universe. But as long as there are vegetables and love we’ll get through...
Talking of love - Remembering this day fifteen years ago and thinking of our children, who have turned out so well and who are a credit to their mum xxx
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