Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Staying at Home

Hillwalking was canned because of the stubborn black ice so a stay home, walk the back hill kind of day transpired with pottering, cooking, washing, tidying and a dip into a new series to try not to binge in the evening...3 episodes down, very restrained.

We've not had the fire on as much as i thought we would, even with it being freezing, but on the days we do, like today, Max takes up his position in front of it.

I'm wondering, probably like most of Scotland, if the FM's announcement tomorrow will include a further delayed in-school return, university online only and perhaps a 5 mile radius journey limit unless essential. Needs must. Some of the teams at work have had no break over christmas and new year having to respond, sort welfare issues for staff and students, put out constant comms as well as logistics, contingency, testing and quarantine planning; their exhaustion was showing before Christmas with blended learning for thousands of students whilst keeping staff and students safe and informed, what will this Term bring?

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