
By ayearinthelife

It’s All Over Now

As the Poinsettia heads towards the recycling bin, I think we can now safely say that Christmas is over.
I realise that technically it’s not Twelfth Night yet but, we’ve had the decorations up since the start of December (and some around us had started mid-November) so I think it’s probably safe enough. I know it’s supposed to be bad luck to take them down before but, seeing as how we’re stuck in Tier 4 in the midst of an out of control virus, I’m not sure what else could go wrong!
Dodged the showers at lunchtime to complete the first 5K of the year. Achilles tendon still playing up so quite a slow time. And I’m hobbling around the house now so definitely more rest required before any more long runs. Fellow Blipper dunkyc and I crossed on Stramongate Bridge - once again we were doing basically the same run at the same time, but in opposite directions! I saw a few other people I knew whilst out, so it was quite the social occasion!
With Christmas and New Year now behind us, I really feel we need to adopt a siege mentality to get us through the next few weeks until the cavalry (vaccine) arrives. Hunker down, don’t stick your head above the parapet and make sure you’ve got plenty of supplies. Do any essential shopping as quickly and as infrequently as practicable, to minimise contact with other people. Stick to those “rules” and we should be able to get through this stage of the pandemic unscathed.

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