
By ayearinthelife

Back on the Chain Gang

Whilst it was pretty well inevitable, the new lockdown is still most unwelcome. I got the impression from last night’s statement that we are basically being confined to barracks now until such time as we’ve all been vaccinated. I do not think for one moment any of these restrictions will be eased until that has been done. Anyone who believes things will change mid February are deluding themselves. Not enough vaccinations will have been given by then and the mutated virus will still be out there. It just sounds better to tell people it’s only for 6 weeks and thus offer a glimmer of hope, than it is to say at the outset you’re being locked up until Easter at the earliest.
But I’m fairly fortunate. I don’t work, I have no kids, I’m not ill with anything and I live in a nice house in the country. The only thing I can really whinge about is the ending of my PT sessions. Whilst it is permissible to do these on a one to one basis outside, the inclement weather and the faff of sorting equipment means we have - reluctantly - taken the decision to stop. And if that’s all I’ve got to be upset about, maybe I just need to man up a bit and stop acting like a spoilt child. This state of affairs won’t last forever and I’m sure I can find a way of exercising that will at least maintain my current levels of fitness.
But that won’t be running, for the time being, as I’ve knackered my Achilles’ tendon. However, I’m determined to do something active every day during lockdown so went for a - very slow - walk after lunch today. It started to sleet halfway round - didn’t last long but did produce a half hearted rainbow over Kendal. And if that’s not a metaphor for today, I don’t know what is!

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