Scottish lockdown – Day 10

Not a good day!

After the rain yesterday afternoon and the fact that there was not much snow around when I went on my walk, we thought everywhere would be clear of snow and ice this morning. WRONG! Apart from the main roads/pavements everywhere was just a sheet of ice. I was OK because I've got four paws but Ann didn't have her 'snow trax' on so she was sliding about all over the place. It took us 50 mins to walk a walk that normally only takes us half an hour.

The plan today was to go out in the car. Ann hasn't been out in the car for two weeks and as it's been sitting in the freezing cold for all that time it could probably do with a good run. The plan was to drive along the by pass and then go to Portobello so that I could have a play on the beach.

Best laid plans and all that. After nearly half killing herself on my walk she was too scared to go out in the car so I didn't get a play on Portobello Beach. I did however, find a rather nice stick in Morningside Park which Ann allowed me to bring home. It was a bit damp though so she's put it on the radiator to dry out and then I'm going to put it into my toy basket.

…............And the rest of the day has just gone from bad to worse. For Ann, not me. She decided to do a few administration tasks that she's been putting off. Why is everything so complicated and why does everything have to be done online and why is there never a real live person to speak to on a phone and why does every phone answering service start with the message, 'Your call is important to us'? The call obviously isn't important to them, because if it was, they'd employ a real live person to answer it. When Ann was a receptionist 20 years ago; if she didn't answer the phone within three rings she would have been sacked!!

Before I went out for my afternoon walk we watched Nicola's update on the latest COVID measures. As expected the 'Scottish Lock Down' is being extended and now it's illegal for us to leave home, apart from 'essential reasons', until 1st February 2021. Fortunately I am an 'essential reason' because I am a little collie who needs to get out of the flat for toileting purposes and exercise. What Ann would do without me she doesn't know.

Anyway needless to say, Ann has not had a good day but I don't suppose anyone wants to hear about everything that has gone wrong and everything that she's not been able to achieve so she won't bother to do any more ranting.

We'd like to say, 'things can only get better', but every time we say that, things seem to get a whole lot worse?!!

PS – Ann has had a reminder that she needs to get her eyes tested. Her optician is still in Penzance so do you think that is an 'essential reason' to leave Scotland? After all, if Dominic Cummings can drive from London to Barnard Castle to test his eyes surely Ann should be allowed to go to Cornwall???

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