On the eleventh day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me,
Eleven Hellebores a-blooming,
Ten snowmen a-glowing,
Nine ducks a-quacking,
Eight glasses a-chinking,
Seven seed heads a-frosting, 
Six crumpets a-toasting,
Five gol-den rings,
Four chirping birds,
Three french wines,
Two golden doves,
And a fluffy cat sitting by a Christmas tree!

The Hellebores are looking a bit tatty at the mo, after doing battle with our recent bad weather. And talking of battling...

- had a battle with District Nurse who eventually turned up this afternoon, four days late (second time this has happened)
- had a battle trying to book future supermarket deliveries
- had a battle trying to get hold of the vet, have to wait for phone call tomorrow
- had a battle with pension bod, I knew more about things than she did, and I’m no further forward
- had a battle with local council payroll department, sat waiting for 2hours for bod to call me back, as promised, she didn’t
- had a battle with my feelings towards the ways of nature, found a dead Collared Dove in the garden (Sparrowhawk/fox/cat?), its mate spent the whole day perched forlornly where I found the body :(

Take care, stay safe and well...

(Coronavirus Tier 3 - Day 5)

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