Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

I Found Them -- Aerosoles!

I know this is quite a switch from yesterday's scenic blip, but today's a new day, right!

These are my new shoes (as if you hadn't realized that). Four, five, or maybe six years ago I bought a pair just like this--black and another pair beige. They are the most comfortable "dress-up casual" shoes. So a year later I went back to Mervyn's and purchased another pair of each color just for back-up. So when the first pairs wore-out, I'd still have my favorite shoes (and even brand new).

Couple years ago I went looking again to purchase a back-up pair because the ones I had been wearing were approaching worn-out and the back-up pair was going to become the every day pair. I don't really wear them every day (just on dressy days (I like to dress-up on Sundays, and if I have important meetings at the campus, or every now and then to go to a wedding)). Anyway, I could no longer find these shoes in the stores, not even on the Aerosole website.

Then when Mervyn's went out of business last year I knew my chances of ever finding them again was zilch.

Last Friday when my meeting concluded at the Riverside campus, I drove over to the Plaza before leaving Riverside and stopped at Gottchalks. Two days before that they made the announcement that they are going out of business . . . erugh!

I tend to buy fashion jewelry, cologne, and Hawaiian shirts for Mr. Fun at Gottchalks. So I browsed through the Men's Dept. and then strolled through the shoes sort of looking for sandals and that's when I spotted the Aerosole heels.

I went right to the clerk and said, "If you've got them in my size, I want those shoes." She checked the stock room and she not only had one pair in my size, she had two pairs. They were 20% off because of the going out-of-business sale. So you guessed it, I bought two pairs, so now I am stocked-up. Woohoo!

I know they are just a plain black pair of shoes. They are, however, so wonderfully comfortable.

Good night from warm, sunny, clear Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Thank you to all who noted and mentioned the passing of our friend Larry. It is difficult to comprehend his death. It was just a moment ago that we were all teeny-boppers listening to the Beach Boys, the Mamas and Papas, and the Beatles and experimenting and experiencing all that pop culture had to offer.

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