Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Pretty not Practical

I think these brown shoes are quite pretty. I bet I've had them for two years. I've worn them once. WHAT? That's right. Once! I tried them on in the store. Walked over to the mirror and admired the way they looked on my feet and maybe because I was in the store, I never noticed the way they felt when I walked in them. I paid for them and made my exit.

The next Sunday I wore them to church. Egads! It felt like each foot had a block of concrete strapped on. The shoes did not make the natural flex and bend with my feet. I felt like I was clomp, clomp, clomping. I hated the feeling. When I got back home, I took them off, placed them back in the box and up on the shelf in my closet. There they have stayed.

So yesterday I blipped my new comfortable shoes. Later I thought that other blippers surely thought that was weird or stupid. Shoes, not flowers, bridges, geese, dogs, or children. "Rosie's blipping shoes?!" Then I thought about the clompers on the closet shelf and realized why I was so excited to find the new pair that are "foot" friendly and in my excitement I blipped them.

I'm not a shoe fanatic (actually I just realized there are plenty of shoe boxes in my closet). So I may have a few more pairs to tell about before I'm done with this series. Last week was self-portrait. This week shoes!

This subject of shoes does cause me to remember the movie In Her Shoes. That older sister had a lot of shoes! It was a good movie too.

It's been a crazy busy day starting with my 8:10 morning class. Then Writing Center duty. This evening observing one of my colleague's classes. He's teaching the second half of American Literature--very interesting and enjoyable -- he taught on the poetry of Robert Frost and Wallace Stevens.

Hope your shoes are comfy! Good night from Southern California where rain is on the way -- yipee!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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