The Man

always wanders into my shot!

Soon after this we turned round to see Kiri staggering all over the place. Our immediate thought was another vestibular episode, but it isn't. I have a feeling she may have twisted something in her leg. She's not able to put any weight on it. I hope it's not her cruciate as she's too old for surgery. Appointment to see Vet tomorrow as we are then out of our self isolation period. She's bright in herself, and eating well. So frustrating as she's been doing incredibly well, running and playing even at her age.

Spent more frustrating time on the computer and Photoshop Grrrrrrr! Kathy (chantler63) kindly helped me through a few actions. I'm giving it a rest for now, but I hope to learn something over this next lockdown. Everyday merges into the next one seamlessly, making me feel very lazy.

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