Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

A New Dawn!

There's a new horizon, there's a brand new day...and here it is arriving this morning! It is a brand new day which happens to be my sister's birthday. I enjoyed a good old chat to her this evening and she sounded chipper which was enough to bring a smile to my face too. When we'll actually see one another's faces in the flesh is anybody's guess!!

A busy, busy day in school; I'll be teaching a bubble of Year 1 and Year 2 which, at last count, has 16 children in. So I've been planning lessons etc for them starting tomorrow. It will be nice to see some of the class I taught last year again.

I've also been creating online learning resources, step by step lesson plans for each day in a weekly timetable and making paper work packs for those children in my usual Year 1 class who won't be in school. It's tricky because I like to make it as engaging as possible and that's so hard at a distance or through a screen! It's going to be a juggling act planning and marking/feeding back for both those I'm teaching in school and those at home, but they'll always be time for freedom strolls and 9pm television's important, I've learnt that much at least!!

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