Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Three Hearts.

It's been a beautiful, sunny day today. Extremely cold but lovely. Of course it was dark by the time I was strolling this evening so I decided to blip the beautiful trio of hearts which have been cross stitched by my sister. They represent my Troon Trio! The cariad mug is a gift I have had for many years, given when I was studying in Bangor, North Wales.

Numbers are gradually increasing in my year 1 and year 2 bubble at school... we're not far off hitting a full class amount of 30...and that's reflected across school. Don't let the government fool you into thinking schools are shut!!
However, I did enjoy teaching some of my class from last year again and they loved being back in the old classroom once more!

Time for a spot of home learning work before some time flicking through blip and a little bit of television. :-)

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