cold sunshine

We escaped from a house which (at that particular moment at least) contained too many people for any peaceful work to be achieved. Eve was chatty but serious and asked me to list every job I’d ever heard of so she could determine whether they sounded worthy of her interest. At the end of the conversation she declared that she’d not worry about jobs just yet as she’s only 8.... and I wished she’d agreed that there was no need for job hunting just yet before she’d made me think of all the jobs I’d ever heard of. Still, it passed a happy hour or so and prevented WW3 in my living room.

Isaac spent a few very happy hours with Jo and was very happy for it. He came back and undid the tidying we’d done in Zeke’s room in record time. Nothing else of note to report except that I think 12,000 biscuits were consumed and if I’m to keep up with the demand I’ll look like I’m panic buying.


1. The last of the ginger cake;
2. Jo;
3. Zeke reading to me very beautifully.

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