Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Self isolation

I’m not sure I envy her the glorious isolation but I wouldn’t mind a bit more space in the home office. Plus her surroundings are aesthetically quite chic. I glimpsed this lone worker whilst out for my daily walk, which I just managed to squeeze in during the last forty five minutes of daylight.

Going back to work after two and a half weeks of being so laid back wasn’t that bad, but I can’t believe I used to work more than three days a week. The Monday to Friday regime would finish me off psychologically if I were to go back to it now. As it was, we used our team meeting to set out how we would really support each other through the latest lockdown and the impact it is having on the NHS.

In between meetings and catching up, I flicked obsessively on to the news sites every half hour to check the progress of the Georgia runoffs. Good news for the democrats but the scenes from the storming of the Capitol later in the day and the continued incitements of Trump to defy legitimate elections are frankly appalling. One has to doubt his sanity and his judgement, as well as his ethics and his capacity for lying. Truly astonishing and scary.

If anyone should be quarantined it is Trump and his entire family ... 

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