
By ayearinthelife


Seems we weren’t the only ones enjoying the sunshine this afternoon. I think this is a favourite place for the gulls to perch as it’s just off the path but still conveniently placed to take advantage if anyone starts feeding the ducks on the opposite bank!
My ankle is still sore, so no running again today. But it definitely feels better than yesterday so I decided we should walk my normal 5K running route - but in reverse. The slower pace and opposite direction gave a whole new slant to the route. Saw things I’d not spotted before and had time to appreciate views I’d normally be sprinting straight past.
We were out for over two hours - not because I was moving at snails pace (I was only slightly faster!) but due to encountering loads of people we knew and hadn’t seen for ages. I suppose you could say it was inevitable - a sunny afternoon, nowhere else to go and a popular path means we were bound to meet others out for a walk. And Kendal is the sort of place where it’s almost impossible not to bump into someone you know if you’re out and about for more than twenty minutes!
Quite awkward knowing what to do though. We’d not set out to meet anyone else and these were just chance encounters. It would be very rude not to say hello, but it’s how much longer you carry on the conversation that is the issue. At some point, such a meeting technically ceases to be a friendly greeting and becomes “socially meeting others” - which is strictly forbidden! In the absence of Police SWAT teams descending on us, we decided that common sense would dictate how we proceeded. Keep socially distanced, catch up on each other’s news, wish each other well and move on. No unnecessary chit chat and we can all carry on with our exercise with minimum delay.
Let’s hope we never get to the stage where officious busybodies patrol the popular routes, keeping people moving at all times lest they should dare pause, even for an instant, to say hello to a fellow human being. But I bet someone in local or national government has considered it......

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