campervan man

By campervan

New Year New Project

When we built the chicken enclosure one member of the household said the garden looks like a farm yard. Well it didn't then and doesn't now (it looks more like a campsite with the hen tents)
Last year I dug a planted a flower bed on one side of the enclosure. Now I have started to do the same on the other side, linking up last years one to the summerhouse and the border around the edge of the garden.
 Jim Pride was a farmer who retired in 2000, sold his farm except one field where he built a bungalow. Its this bungalow where we now live. Unfortunately this part of our lawn has never changed since it used to be a field. I will not lie to you, it has been hard work digging, much worse than last years effort. It has taken me several weeks to get this far. The ground is very wet and the soil is heavy clay. As I slice through it there are lines in the dirt, the thin top soil layer, a sticky layer and then the thick clay with flints and chalk nodules. Not very promising  for planting
I have a lot of rotted horse poo and some compost to work into the ground. hopefully this stuff and the digging that removes the soil compaction will give me a good boarder.
Watch next years blips.

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