
By PaulaJ

My Chinese Artist

Every year Auckland celebrates Chinese New Year with a huge Lantern Festival. Last night we walked up to Albert Park to find it full of people. Every tree was covered in beautiful lanterns and there were extraordinary light scenes with dragons and birds etc. It was a wonderland and so great to see so many people of all nationalities walking around in families and groups of friends. There were some excellent entertainers and of course lots of stalls supplying everything Chinese. I was attracted by a young man who was painting in inks and, having watched him for a while as he painted for people, I decided to 'commission' him. This is the result. It's not a great work of art, but I love it and having watched him do it makes it all the more special.

We are at Auckland Airport and, amazingly enough, they have decided we can travel - talk about security checks, passports, departure cards, weighing of cases/bags . . . !

Thank you very much for the response to my Blipday. I was touched by some of the messages. I will catch up with everyone when I get home. I am about to use the 30 minutes free WiFi - really kind of them that!!

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