
By PaulaJ

No buttons, no CDs . . .

. . . just a view of Auckland, taken from Mt Eden, the highest volcano in Auckland.

I appear to be celebrating 300 blips but, as everyone is apt to say, I can't quite believe it. It is however, appropriate that the Blipday should find me on our last day in New Zealand, after what has turned out to be quite an epic journey.

During our time here I have met up with some wonderful people, whom I never would have met, without Blip. I hadn't really planned it, most of the meetings just happened and were casual affairs with chat and laughter, but they will all stay in my memory for a long time. But I have also had people through Blip following me and sharing the journey every step of the way. This has enhanced the experience so much.

So I say thank you to those blippers I met and who gave their time and friendship to us.

And thank you to those of you who have made the time to follow our travels. Some of you did this as the pictures rekindled memories of places visited in the past. Some because it gave you thoughts of places you may visit one day. Some because it is just fascinating to look through someone else's eyes at places you will never visit. Some because of thoughts and ideas thrown up and considered along the way.

All these reasons are to me why Blip is a wonderful community. Friendship, laughter, a window on the world (as Kathee put it a few days ago) and a forum for sometimes considering the important things in life.

Thank you all, just for being there, and long may we continue together.

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