
The word for today is - ennui- a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from lack of interest ; boredom.

One look at the weather beyond the window this morning and nothing, not even the thought of the bathroom scales, would induce me to out for a mindless wander in the sleet and dampness. Instead I did a spot of knitting and tele watching before it was time for coffee.

Now the interesting thing about this is that when Soderberg is open and I go there for coffee, I read my book or the paper, ignore the wonderful buns on display and drink my coffee. When it’s lockdown and I have to drink my coffee at home at the dining room table, I have to find something to eat with it. Unfortunately with some Christmas treats still on display it is all to easy to find just the thing to help the coffee down. This morning it was some tablet kindly given to me by a school friend and oozing calories even when looked at.

The sun eventually made an appearance at midday and I did a route march twice round the Meadows later in the afternoon and saw the sunset giving the impression my first alma mater at the other side of the Meadows was on fire.

As I was writing this, JoppaStrand phoned to check on the state of my person and discuss local and world news. It was good to find we sang from the same page of hymn sheet on all the topics we covered.

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