
By earthdreamer

White Ribbons

A sprinkling of snow transformed the high moor, making the white ribbons surprisingly grippy. On the first day of this third national lockdown it certainly feels like this is being taken as seriously as the first. Just like ten months ago, there were very few people about, more runners than walkers. It was wildly beautiful and bitterly cold.

As a cold calm descended on Yorkshire, chaos consumed DC on the other side of the Atlantic. A chasm has opened up within America. Joe Biden has a very difficult time ahead in uniting his disunited States. At least one aspect of his job was made a lot easier when the Democrats astonishingly won both Georgia run-offs, giving him effective control of the Senate. That is absolutely massive, but barely rated a mention on the news! There is no end to the craziness.

Finally worth a mention that I sneezed this evening without being crippled up in pain afterwards - not that it didn't still hurt, of course!

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