Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

View of the Munros

Happy New Year to Everyone. Thanks for all the stars and comments on my blip photos. They are very appreciated.

The rain has gone and everything has frozen solid.  In th eafternoon I opt for a walk over the Braid Hills, the back home via Mortonhall. I cannot take the normal path up to the main summit as it is polished ice. I opt for a less steep ascent, glad I have yaktrax on my shoes. Other people on the hill are slipping and sliding around, it is a miracle no one breaks a limb. Once at the top there are nice views of the munros to the west of Stirling  (main blip) and a very visible snow line on the Ochil Hills (Extra 1).

I head down to Mortonhall, sliding a little bit, but not as much as other people. Extra 2 shows Meadowhead Farm with Arthur's Seat in the background. The path back ghome starts off very icy, but in the shelter of the trees, the path is very muddy and squelchy. There's not much snow here (Extra 3). Nearer home, the hard packed snow returns. Warm up with a nice cup of coffee and some christmas chocolate.

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