Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Not again!

Woke up to a sky full of falling snow. Just returned from a walk.  I've changed the pic as the loons on the main roads are acting up again.  Will they ever learn?

According to the local radio news, clowns just abandoned their cars in the snow on a slip road and blocked the the whole system.  This pic was taken showing the effect 3 miles away!  By the time we returned from our walk the other side was blocked by an accident.  Fortunately, so far, it's not the white fluffy stuff that blows around that's falling, it's damp lumps bordering on sleet.  It's 4c outside and it's turning slushy as it touches the ground.  I just hope it doesn't start to freeze, that'll be fun.

Switched pics as the day got worse.

In other news:  MrsDB has embarked on a mission to empty the coal bunker.  Her aim is to burn off 4 scuttles full before tea time.  Actually we don't go into that room until early evening.  Is help available I wonder?

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