Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Narnia? ...

... (Where teeny tiny people gather on tree branches?)...

A quick blip on a cold (and pretty bleak, news-wise) Friday.

What else to say?
‘Nuffin’ (as one of the children in the family used to say, when asked ‘how was school today?’).

This level of articulacy obviously runs in the family.

I had a word with one of the Elderlies earlier.
(Sometimes, if the mood is light enough, I ask the odd, ‘trickier’ question, just for a feel of how the old memory is faring.. I have noticed huge adeptness at dodging actual facts with big words and fudgy detail).
We were talking about ‘The New Year’..
‘Do you know what year it is?’, I asked.
‘I most certainly do’, was the bright response, ‘the year is errr, well, it’s err, it’s circumstantial as it happens’.
Swift change of subject to banana sandwiches.

(Well fielded. Bless).

I suppose the wine forecast will be announced soon. (I’m almost not bothered, but my prediction is that I shall probably rally).

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