The Colour Purple

More purple tulips :)

I can't decide which one to blip though!

Today it has been another very dark, damp and freezing day!

I have mostly enjoyed my first week, though yesterday (and Thursdays in general) are going to be very heavy going....  The first week of the year is complex anyway with lots of paperwork to sort, hopefully it will be a bit calmer next week.  

I'm frustrated that I don't know MS Word more than I do - my last Manager relied on spreadsheets much more and I don't know the new version of word so much :(  I think I'll have to play around with it on my laptop at home and get used to it...

Last night I went to be at 10pm only to find there was the really loud constant sound of a fan whirring or similar - which kept me awake until after midnight.  I've no idea what it was, as walking around my house I couldn't hear anything I guess it was next door...  

Anyway, its the weekend!  I'm going to try to lie in tomorrow if I can...

Happy Friday folks :)

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