By lizzie_birkett

Mum's Pearls

They are Lotus pearls, so not real ones but simulated, which I believe are glass inside then layers of other substances in layers. My Dad would never have been able to afford real ones.
I'm doing this Blip for Pearl January which is hosted by Granny Click Click!

Actually, as a Vegan I shouldn't wear real pearls anyway but I do have a fresh water pearl necklace which Frank bought me from a local jewellery maker when we lived near Dumfries.
It is really beautiful - 3 strands in rainbow colours. I do still wear it because it was a gift and I wasn't vegan at the time. I would have blipped it but it's on the boat.

It has been trying to snow all day and we had the odd heavy flurry but it's not lying :-( It's still icy though and I had to watch my step when I went to hand my prescription in and nip to the post office.

I've mostly knitted today and played uke for a bit.
Chatted to the dog...and Frank :-D
Frank has been painting mountains.

Sabrina took the girls sledging but Lucy didn't like it! She's never liked anything adventurous and as she was just standing around she got really cold. Even as a baby if you threw her about (playfully!) she would burst out crying. Bless her.
In the end Sabrina left Amelia with her little friend and Mum and took Lucy home. She made her some pancakes and a cuppa and she was the happiest little girl in the world. She likes her home comforts. :-) (extra) She's the only one of our Grandkids that doesn't like sledging!

I'm not having any tea tonight. It's weird but since before Christmas I have hardly any appetite. I have Granola for breakfast (no sugar in it) soup or a sandwich for lunch, and the only snack is a couple of Rich Tea with a coffee at 3ish. The last few nights I've had a bit of salad for tea or small helping of whatever Frank makes. I'm even off chocolate, maple syrup and crisps!
It doesn't seem to make any difference to my middle though!
I suppose I'm not as active as I normally would be but I used to have such a sweet tooth.

I've watched the news but I won't mention it! :-/

I'll knit a few more rows then it will be book and bedtime.

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