Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Didn't have a clue what day it was today. With no structure, no routine I am becoming clueless ;) 

As I walked to meet  a friend for a coffee this morning I was aware of this child coming towards me very fast on a scooter and shouting my name. Turned out it was Harris. Lewis was following him shouting too. They were on their way to the park with Kelly to meet a friend. Lewis starts home schooling on Monday and Harris' nursery are running a hub at a different venue. He was so excited to tell me he has two nurseries now and three girls! Like Lewis he likes the girls! Evie, Stella and Lucy :) 
It was such a boost seeing them; first time since Christmas Day. 

This afternoon I wandered down to the harbour as it was too nice to stay in. For a while now I have seen this Cormorant but never had my long lens with me. I was standing watching it and a man came by and asked if it was a Cormorant or a Shag. He looked up RSPB and we came to the conclusion it was a Juvenile Cormorant. You learn something new everyday. 

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