
By bananablip

No wifi, no problem

This morning, just as I was about to log on to our zoom prayer breakfast I got a message from a trustee to say that they couldn’t join because their wifi was down. So was mine, it turns out, along with 7,000 homes across Shrewsbury. I logged on via my phone and joined with those who hadn’t been affected.

I think broken-wifi days should become a thing (I say broken-wifi days because it seems this is the only way to stop me looking at devices, such is my level of self-control). I had planned a morning of watching Ted Lasso* in bed but instead had to head outside into the beautiful sunshine for a run. Still no wifi so I had to walk to the shop, buy a paper and read it. Still no wifi so I had to fling open the windows and have a Spring clean of the house. 

I was delighted to find this little spot of sunshine in the spare room, so sat there with the sun on my face and read. 

*Ted Lasso: a shot of joy into the gloom infected arm of 2021. Would highly recommend. 

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