
By brambleblossom

Keeping house .

Having removed myself from the world of paid work I’m finding it interesting to see what time I naturally wake up. It’s been the first opportunity since being about four years old . This morning I was up and  ready for action soon after 7 am and so Bramble was treated to a crispy , crunchy walk in early morning sunshine . 

Some sour  dough starter had been fizzing and overflowing through the night, so some dough is now on the go . I’ve been intolerant of gluten for quite a long time but am ever hopeful that if the bread making process goes on for long enough I might be able to have  a few slices and  freeze the rest to eat slowly at my leisure . While I was doing  that my other half was defrosting the freezer hence the ice in the sink . 

A plumber has been found who will be able to come and 
hopefully fix the boiler in the next few days and more sorting and fixing has been achieved . 

As the snow has thawed we have discovered shredded insulation on the garden path along the gable end and some strange red scat of the bin lid nearby . We are wondering if a squirrel has been trying to break into the space between the attic ceiling and the roof which we insulated a few  years ago , most mysterious and worrying as once they have gained entry they are hard to evict . 

Night has now drifted in, the dough has doubled in size and it’s time to make something to eat . 
Hope your Saturday has been a fruitful one . 

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