Frozen and freezing
The thaw has begun and the temperature is perceptibly higher, inside and out. This morning when I took this photo of the semi frozen White Cart Water it was (depending on what weather app you looked at) between minus 5 and minus seven.
Virtual catch up with #2 son who sounded cheery enough which was reassuring for us. He and S have decided to postpone their wedding until 2023. The snow in Aberdeen looked less impressive than in Glasgow. It will be gone in both places by tomorrow morning.
More terrible statistics, albeit the case numbers have dropped in Scotland somewhat today, and the positivity rate, although high, is not increasing. Sadly all three Island Health Boards have new infections.
Very limited exercise today, I really need to get a grip of that. The idea of being able to hibernate (and the concomitant weight loss, like bears) for a few weeks is quite compelling.
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