
By SarioMcK

A little light

We have kept our Christmas lights up outside to share a little light in these dark days of lockdown. It seems a few neighbours have done the same.

I was hoping for some rest after a busy week back at work... I did sleep in to be fair and then did a few jobs before my flute lesson. My son and daughter had agreed to swap bedrooms after she went back to Uni. Their rooms are unequal in size and now my son is the tallest in the house it seems fair that he has a bit more space. So he and I set about cleaning out the junk under his bed and switching the furniture around. It took a while and there is still some sorting to do but he’s in and happy. I’ve tried to make the small room nice and cosy, all ready for when my daughter wants to come back after lockdown. I hope she likes it. I found these glass lights in a cupboard the other day and thought they would do the trick....

Stay safe everyone x

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