
By SkiMe

Heart Attack

Thanks to my good friend Tom for the motivational email yesterday. Motivation for physical fitness at best should be for fun... then competitiveness... maybe also glory... then need... and at the bottom rung comes guilt. haha, sad to say I've reached the bottom!

Well, after a few weeks off, I've got back on the trainer for nearly a half hour at lunch. Weather is still mostly gray rainy and snowy - seems it can't make its mind up. Then personal preservation to cope with the winter colds - an endless loop of passing them between CC, Mrs, me, the nanny, etc etc. So, my desire to get on the bike has been nil!

Anyway, I feel SO much better after a bit of sport and sweat. Thanks Tom!! I've got a bit to go to match your 60 minutes... now the competitiveness is kicking in.

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