
By SkiMe

Reach for the light!

Finally a break in the winter gray!

Today has been all about waiting...

A long morning at the police station to update my visa even though I had an appointment... and then apparently I haven't done the paperwork as it should be done and so another visit is on the calendar! I think this is the 5th go around in about 15 years of living here... My average is around 3 visits each time. The rules always seem to change - or the interpretation of the rules - or the explanation in the visa kits is not up to date. I don't know.... always seems to be different. And- always an interesting mix of people at the police station - most of them looking pretty sad or tough, and often lots of young screaming kids making all kinds of mahem or young girls of dubious origins... The guys behind the windows never seem to be in much of a hurry which is frustrating. Sometimes they seem to powerplay with the people in front of them which I think is part of the ruotine. In the end, they always seem to go out of their way to help. Today being no different - though I think I really did follow all the instructions as they were written.

This evening to the shoulder specialist and another long wait. More instructions and more visits programmed. So, I am sure more lines and waiting in due course. haha I am grumpy.

Today's light really broke the winter duldrums and I can't wait to get out on the bicycle tomorrow at lunch! Such a big change from yesterday to today, but there is still a lot of snow melting with wet roads. Tomorrow should be good!

I can almost feel spring in the air. The trees with the lower limbs in the morning shadows of the buildings and the tops of the trees basking in the golden light sunk the hook this morning. I want to find a nice sunny spot and soak it all up.

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