January Saturday

That’s a rather uninspired title for quite a fun day. A walk this morning and a peek into my front door container to capture the hellebore...followed by the grandchildren this afternoon.

Last night I received an email from our local Zoo - they have Zoo Lights at Christmas like so many zoos and public gardens do. Normally of course one walks through, which we’ve done before. But this year it’s a drive through display. I hadn’t thought about bringing the grands, but it was the last weekend and we thought it would be nice to support the zoo - I’m sure it’s been a tough year for them. So I purchased the tix on the spot and arrived with the children at the specified time. The process was flawless - not surprising since they host large concerts during the summer. At our appointed time my Subaru Cross Trek (an interesting color blue that the grandkids have nicknamed “Baby Beluga” after the Raffi song of the same name and of course I have Oregon Gray Whale license plates) drove on into the Zoo Lights adventure. We had such fun and identied every light creature that we saw. It took almost 30 minutes to go through the display! The extra is a very cool tunnel of rainbow light that we went through - probably the best photo of the bunch. And just FYI all of the live zoo animals were tucked snuggly in their beds.

Here’s to a COVID silver lining....holiday lights by car :-) Happy Saturday!!

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