Mindful meat eating
A foraging trip to Waitrose this morning, a fortnightly or so treat, yielded this Presa Iberica pork. I love the marbling effect which is intrinsic to its flavour and texture. We probably have meat around three times a week and I am endeavouring to reduce this and to buy meat sourced from reputable suppliers with high welfare standards. This pork, if the packaging is to be believed, comes from pigs happily roaming in “sparsely wooded pasturelands of quercus trees that can only be found in the south-west of Spain”. Quercus is apparently a variety of oak tree and the pigs rummage for the acorns that make up a main part of their diet.
It was delicious. And so was the millionaire shortcake, an adapted James Morton recipe, fortuitously too squishy to give away.
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